Maria Garbagnati


About the Artist

A passion for drawing and creativity has always been a part of Maria Garbagnati’s life.After attaining a graphic design degree in Milan, Maria started work as an Illustrator in an advertising studio. Throughout her years in the workforce Maria continued with her love of experimenting with different techniques and styles to create her hand-made crafts. Several years later Maria decided to open a craft shop where she could sell her hand-painted creations: glassware, pottery, trays, fabric articles as table-cloths and curtains, t-shirts and sweaters, Christmas ornaments and much more… …everything and anything that could be painted, including several “trompe l’oeil” in private houses.

The decision to close her craft shop came just before the arrival of Maria’s first child. Working from her home studio, Maria was soon working freelance with manufacturers, both in America and Europe, to produce wrapping paper and greeting cards.
